Water transmission and distribution systems are typically distributed over a large geographical area and traverse zones of varying geology and topography. Such systems are generally built incrementally over a period of several decades and under a range of evolving design standards and construction techniques. The systems are composed of multiple components that serve various functions such as collection, treatment, storage, transmission and distributions, and include treatment plants, production wells, pump stations, water storage reservoirs and tanks. These system components because of their function and geographic distribution are potentially vulnerable to a range of natural hazards. To ensure a reliable water supply, all of these hazards should be mitigated in a consistent manner with due consideration to the importance and criticality of each component. A comprehensive assessment of such system requires multi-disciplinary expertise.
InfraTerra performs in support of system reliability assessment and development of Capital Improvement Programs, including:
DMA2000 based Local Hazard Mitigation Plans (LHMP) and cost/benefit analysis for FEMA pre-disaster mitigation (PDM) grants
Seismic assessment and retrofit design of water tanks
Seismic assessment and retrofit design of water treatment facilities including components such as process tanks, piping, chemical tanks, piping and non-structural components
Seismic assessment and retrofit of pump station buildings and equipment
Geo-hazards assessment of transmission and distribution system pipelines
Specialized design of pipelines subjected to large ground displacement such as fault and river crossings and pipelines crossing zones of active landslides