InfraTerra personnel are experts in the development of site-specific ground motions using probabilistic and deterministic seismic hazard analysis. We provide seismic source characterization through an assessment of fault and area sources, detailed analysis of regional seismicity and tectonic setting, and development of site-specific design response spectra and spectrum compatible acceleration time histories. We have developed seismic design information for critical facilities ranging from petrochemical, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), offshore platforms, water/wastewater lifelines, and building structures.
InfraTerra provides expertise in:
- Evaluation of fault activity and the potential for surface rupture
- Assessments of maximum credible earthquake (MCE) and maximum probable earthquake (MPE) magnitudes
- Evaluation of earthquake recurrence and fault slip rate
- Identification and characterization of potential seismic sources
- Characterization of regional seismotectonic settings; development and evaluation of tectonic models
- Investigations of surface and near-surface geology, including stratigraphic and structural analyses
- Assessment of subsurface fault geometry and characteristics
- Deterministic ground motion analyses
- Probabilistic ground motion analyses
We have conducted earthquake-related studies in a wide range of tectonic and geologic environments, ranging from seismically active interplate regions (e.g., western United States, Latin America, Puerto Rico, British Columbia) to relatively stable intraplate regions (e.g., the central and southeastern United States, central Asia). Many of these studies have required regulatory and licensing compliance.